UCONN’s Gampel Pavilion is famous for being the home to the Huskies perennial powerhouse men’s and women’s basketball programs. Tucked into the same building UCONN’s swimming and diving programs compete in the Wolff Zakin Pool. Connected to the Gampel Pavilion is the Greer Field House, which accommodates a variety of athletic administration activities as well as competitive and recreational training and events, including the campus’ recreational Brundage Pool.
As part of the University’s on-going commitment to providing state-of-the-art athletic facilities for both their Division 1 athletic programs and their student body in general, TLBA was retained to provide an analysis of the pools’ recirculation, filtration systems, chemical control and automation systems, operation and maintenance procedures, history of pool water chemistry and air quality, as well as a conditions assessment of the natatorium envelope and pool surfaces. The pools were also evaluated for compliance with the State of Connecticut, Department of Public Health Requirements, as well as the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act, and the ADA.
What resulted were recommendations for short and long term renovations and a phased approach to achieve those objectives. The first two phases, which included significant renovations to both swimming pools were completed in 2011 and 2012 and have provided the University with safer, more efficient and more durable facilities.